Full or Complete Dentures

The loss of all ones teeth can have a devastating effect on one's quality of life. Full dentures are designed to replace all teeth, whether it be just the upper arch, lower arch, or both. The construction of full dentures to replace your lost teeth will help restore masticatory (chewing) function, support the muscles and structure of the face and jaws, help with proper phonetics (speech), and restore your smile and confidence.

At our office we have three different qualities of denture to choose from: Standard, Precision and BPS. The quality of the three different dentures is reflected in the wear and tear of the teeth themselves, esthetics, the fittings involved to ensure comfortable and properly fitting dentures and the instrumentation to do so. Please feel free to set up an appointment with one of our denturist to see which quality works best for you.
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Implant Retained Dentures

Implant retained dentures are the preferred method of tooth replacement. The loss of one's natural teeth can result in bone loss (which tends to be markedly more on the lower) and in turn can affect the fit and function of your denture. The implants integrate with the bone, thus providing an anchor or "root" for the replacement teeth. They not only provide a strong support for your dentures, but also help to maintain existing bone levels by providing stimulation that was previously provided by the natural tooth root system. This in turn, will help to maintain your facial structure.

There are many factors working against a full lower denture. The lower jaw is attached to the upper jaw by a hinge called the tempromandibular joint (TMJ) and it is the lower jaw that does all the moving as you are eating and speaking. Since it is a moving part, anything that is not solidly "rooted" to it can become dislodged more readily unlike the full upper denture which is held in with suction. The lower jaw also takes the brunt of the force during the chewing process and ends up having more bone loss. The more bone loss, the less area the denture has to adhere to. The stability of the dentures can only be as good as their foundation. Implant retained dentures provides the perfect solution for full lower dentures.

Full upper dentures must cover the whole upper palate in order to have proper fit, stability and ensure adequate retention. However, various taste buds are located on the upper palate and are impeded when they are covered by a full denture. With a implant retained denture, the entire palate of the upper denture can be removed which would open up this area and make culinary experiences more enjoyable. For those that suffer with a sensitive gag reflex, this entire area can be eliminated thus providing greater comfort for the patient.

The patients that have chosen this method of tooth replacement have reported greater comfort and stability. They feel confident going out in public with dentures that securely stay in place.
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Removable Partial Dentures

Removable partial denture are designed to replace the loss of natural teeth whether it be only one tooth or multiple teeth (but not all the teeth) on any given arch. It will help fill in the gaps of missing teeth, maintain the position of your natural teeth, help you chew and digest your food better, and restore your appearance. Partial dentures do not harm your remaining natural teeth when designed properly; they in fact prevent your natural teeth from shifting, drifting or over growing into the spaces left by the loss of a natural tooth.

There are several material types available for partial dentures. The most stable and commonly used material is the cast metal partial. This type of dentures is very strong, light, thin and durable. The type of metal that we use in our office is a chrome cobalt alloy that is nickel and beryllium free. While it is best to use the metal clasp for stability; we do have clear or white clasps available for those that do not wish to show metal on the anterior region while smiling.

We also have acrylic partials available. The base of this type of denture is made entirely of pink acrylic and may or may not have stainless steel wires available as clasps to hold the denture in place. This type of denture requires more thickness of material as it does not have the same strength and durability as the cast metal partial. It is usually used as as transitional or immediate denture and is less expensive in cost.

For those that are allergic to either metal or acrylic partials, we have a Flexite material available. It is a nylon plastic material which is thin, light and is semi-translucent pink in colour. Though it is not as strong a material as the cast metal partial, it is a good substitute for those allergic to the other materials available.

For our partials, we have three different qualities of denture to choose from: Standard, Precision and BPS. The quality of the three different dentures is reflected in the wear and tear of the teeth themselves, esthetics, the fittings involved to ensure comfortable and properly fitting dentures and the instrumentation to do so. Please feel free to set up an appointment with one of our denturists to see which quality works best for you.
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Transitional Dentures

To avoid being without teeth when having several teeth extracted, you can have a temporary denture fabricated. This treatment involves having impressions taken of your mouth prior to having your teeth removed and may involve a few fittings. When your natural teeth are extracted your Dentist or Oral Surgeon can then place your transitional denture immediately in your mouth. This acts as a bandage, prevents you from having to go without teeth and provides you with something to chew with during the healing process.

It is very important to follow the postoperative instructions of both your Denturist and Oral Surgeon during your healing process.

The healing process takes approximately 3 months and during this time your tissues and bone change so, you may require adjustments and temporary liners or tissue conditioners to maintain comfort and the best possible fit during this time.

Our office recommends having a new permanent set of dentures made when the process is complete to ensure that you have a comfortable proper fitting set of dentures. The temporary denture then becomes a spare set of dentures.
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Soft liners

A permanent soft liner is a layer of soft material that is fitted to the inside surface of a denture and rests next to the oral tissues. In short, a soft liner acts as a cushion or shock absorber between the hard plastic base of a denture and the gums.

Soft liners can be used in the fabrication of new dentures or placed in existing dentures.

Permanent soft liners help to provide more cushion and comfort for individuals who have severe bone loss, or very flat gums and cannot take the stress of dentures. They also help individuals who have sharp or bony areas in their gums, or chronic soreness. A significant number of denture wearers with chronic discomfort have experienced great relief when a soft liner has been added to their dentures. Many denture wearers report that they can chew food more comfortably.

Things you may want to consider prior to the placement of a soft liners is that you need to make sure that good home care is given to the dentures through use of proper cleaners and maintenance. Also soft liners require regular follow-up visits to your Denturist so they may examine the fit of the dentures, the patient’s oral tissues and ensure professional cleaning.
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Rebasing is usually considered when the denture teeth have not worn out in comparison to the denture base material. It is the process of retrofitting dentures by replacing, all of the acrylic denture base with new acrylic, which provides a stable denture without replacing the denture teeth. Your Denturist would have to assess if this is an option for you. A rebase will not correct any problems associated with worn down teeth or an incorrect bite.
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To reline a denture new base material is added to the tissue side of the denture to help maintain a proper fit. The reline consists of your Denturist taking an impression inside your existing denture. A reline of your denture will only affect the fit and not the appearance.

Relines are required when tissue changes have occurred due to resorption or shrinkage. This can be due to a loss of weight, loss of bone, loss of teeth, ageing, disease or illness. A reline will not correct any problems associated with worn down teeth or an incorrect bite.
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In many instances your Denturist can repair an existing broken or cracked denture to its state prior to the repair. Teeth that have broken off can also usually be repaired. Many times a repair can be done when one or more teeth need to be added due to tooth extraction.

Many repairs can be done on site usually within a couple of hours. There are many reasons for denture breakage and can be due to underlying problems, including age, worn teeth, or poor fit.

Your Denturist can assess your dentures and discuss your treatment options with you if you feel that you are a candidate for any of the above treatments.
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Recall Appointments

Your dentures are an integral part of your life, that’s why it is important to maintain them to ensure that they give you optimal performance. A regular check-up with your Denturist is the most effective way for you and your dentures to get the attention you both deserve.

At this appointment your Denturist is also checking the fit and stability of your dentures; as worn out dentures can cause improper fit and function which can lead to other problems, for example; worn out teeth will cause improper bite. The denturist also checks the dentures in relationship to the jaw to maintain optimal TMJ health (which has an impact on head and neck pain, eye strain and hearing problems)

Having a recall exam done allows your Denturist to detect any existence of oral cancer, any other abnormal conditions or changes such as tissue shrinkage and bone resorption.

At the recall appointment you may expect an update to your dental and medical history, an intraoral exam, check the integrity of your denture, check the esthetics, stability and the bite, discuss any options available to you based on your needs, review any denture care procedures if required.

Recall appointments are indicated yearly.
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This is a tool that helps dental professionals to find oral abnormalities including oral cancer; that would not normally be visible to the naked eye. VELscope uses a blue LED light that causes the healthy tissues in the mouth to fluoresce green upon exposure; unhealthy tissue appears dark. Found early, oral cancer’s 5 year survival rate is good: approx. 83%; if found late, oral cancer’s 5 year survival rate is poor: approx. 32%. Therefore finding disease earlier is the key to survival. The screening only takes a few minutes and could potentially save your life.
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Fiber force

Fiber Force is a strong, esthetic, comfortable fiber reinforcement system designed to provide extra strength to dentures. It is a light weight technology which uses specially treated E glass fiber coated with acrylic resin. A Fiber Force dentures is 300% stronger than traditional acrylic dentures. An excellent solution for those that have problems with denture breakage due to strong occlusal bite.
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Complete Oral Dental Hygiene Examination

The dental hygiene examination is a systematic process investigating your oral and systemic health to identify pathologies or concerns and develop a customized treatment plan that is maximizing your oral health.
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Dental Hygiene Therapy
Scaling (cleaning)

Scaling and root planning is the process of removing or eliminating the etiologic agents - dental plaque, its products, and calculus, which cause inflammation and periodontal disease. (gum disease) Dental Cleanings promotes arresting, and/or preventing periodontal disease and cavities. Periodontal disease is linked to causing heart attacks, stokes, respiratory conditions, insufficient insulin with diabetics, miscarriages and low birth rate in babies.
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Stain Removal Therapy (polish)

Our polishing paste is fluoride, wheat and gluten free. We use natural products to remove extrinsic stains.
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In-Office Whitening

Your smile is important. It's one of the first things people notice when they meet you. A brighter, whiter smile can help you feel better about yourself and leave a lasting impression. Teeth that have been discoloured by the use of tobacco, staining foods, and drinks, or simply age can be whitened.
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